
I got a friend request (on Facebook) the other day… from a guy… in another country (can’t remember which one).  Had never heard of him, so I went to check his profile to make sure it wasn’t a friend and I just somehow didn’t recognize him at first.  Profile basically say, “I’m looking for a wife” and has some pulled-off-the-internet marriage photos.

So… not the highest level of creeping I’ve ever been creeped on, but… a little creepy.

Every so often I’ll get a creeper on my blog.  Probably more often than I realize it, but sometimes it’s pretty obvious.  My host program gives me all the search terms that people type in to search for things on my blog…  It also tells me how long a person stays on each page.  (So I can creep on YOU, too!  Bwah ha ha ha!)

Most days my average views are in the 50 or so range.  Once in a while I’ll get some ridiculously high number, like in the hundreds… and sometimes I imagine that someone just discovered my blog and was just so entranced by my awesomeness they had to read 100+ posts in one sitting!

Then there are those who look at 100+ pages and spend about an average of 2 seconds per page and whose search terms are “sex, vagina, sex photo, penis, breasts.”


And then I feel this really childish compulsion to write ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SEXY for about five posts.

But, you know…  Still pretty low-level creeping, really.  Especially considering some master level creepers I’ve had to deal with in my life…  Maybe I’ll just write a series of posts about creepers… that could probably occupy my blog for several months of daily posts.

Although, I have a creepy feeling that the real creepers would just jerk off to the creeper stories.  And everyone else would just be grossed out.  So… probably should keep the creeper stories to myself.


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